Metal Detector Conveyors

Belt conveyors set up for installation in metal detection systems that are able to guarantee that the metal detectors are working in the best operating conditions.
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Metal Detector Conveyors

Metal Detector Conveyors are LM’s belt conveyor model designed specifically for coupling with metal detection systems. The sliding surface of the conveyor belt, in the metal detector zone, is made of high glide minimum wear plastic that does not generate static currents. The entire structure is developed to eliminate electromagnetic fields of interference and vibrations that can affect system operation. The conveyor can be belt or modular plastic. Metal Detector Conveyors are generally equipped with product ejection systems in case of contamination, through blown air and swinging or retracting ends.

  • trasporto tappeto
    Belt conveyors

Technical Sheet

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  • Max handled weight60 Kg
  • Speed 120 m/min
  • End roller diameter60 16 14 9
  • Effective widthFrom 100 to 2000
  • HeightFrom 600 to 1500
  • ExecutionPainted steel, stainless steel, washdown, hygienic-design
Suited for
  • lattiero
    Pouches, Bags, Flow-pack, Unpackaged product (processed cheese, seasoned cheese, ), Small/large trays,
  • ortofrutta
    Fruit & Vegetables / Tinned foods
    Small/large trays, Unpackaged product, Bags, Pouches,
  • piatti pronti
    Fresh food / Ready meals
    Bags, Pouches, Boxes, Small/large trays,
  • farmaceutico
    Boxes, Biomedical bags, Blister packs,
  • pane
    Bags, Boxes, Flow-pack, Unpackaged product (dry/coated/filled biscuits, Baked goods, Bread, Flat bread/wraps/pita bread, Crackers, Pizza, Savoury snacks/crisps, ), Small/large trays,
  • dolciario
    Boxes, Flow-pack, Unpackaged product (bars/snacks, soft/hard candies, pralines/chocolates, powder, ), Bags, Small/large trays,


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