Hygenic Design Divider

Conveyor system for sorting primary packaging and unpackaged products, D12 Hygienic Design dividers feature completely engineered mechanics to facilitate washing and sanitisation.

Hygenic Design Divider

Hygenic Design Divider is a special version of the D12 diverter designed to undergo high pressure washing operations and sanitisation, eliminating every possible area of pooling and bacterial proliferation according to the strictest regulations (USDA). In the Hygenic Design Divider the exchange is commanded with pneumatic cylinders or servomotors based on the number of cycles per minute. The model can be fitted with numerous standard systems to facilitate the transfer of the most unstable products, such as motorised and idle rollers and knife edge transfer belts.

  • smistamento
    Sorting Systems
    Slat Dividers,

Technical Sheet

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  • Maximum Number of Infeeds/outfeeds5
  • Maximum Product Weight6 Kg
  • Speed60 m/min
  • Standard Effective Width500, 740, 900
  • VersionsHigh Sanitisation
Suited for
  • dolciario
    Unpackaged product (bars/snacks, soft/hard candies, pralines/chocolates, powder, ),
  • pane
    Unpackaged product (dry/coated/filled biscuits, Baked goods, Bread, Flat bread/wraps/pita bread, Crackers, Pizza, Savoury snacks/crisps, ),
  • lattiero
    Unpackaged product (processed cheese, seasoned cheese, ),


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