Differential speed rotators

The conveyor system for high rate rotation on packaging lines, LM’s differential speed rotators are characterised for their flexibility of use and delicate product handling.
Ruotaotir velocità differenziale

Differential speed rotators

Differential speed rotators is LM’s orientation solution designed to rotate products in process and packaging lines. The products are turned by exploiting the friction applied by the rotation system, which consists in a pair of belts (modular or rubber, depending on the weight of the product) with different speeds and adherence characteristics.  Rotation can be either large to narrow edge, or from narrow to large edge. Differential speed rotators’ main fields of use are in the food, beverage, chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry. The main advantage of the differential speed rotators is the reduced dimensions, the versatility, the easy use and maintenance. They can be set up in parallel so as to turn products on multiple rows.

  • orientamento
    Product Orientation
  • Maximum Production120ppm
  • Speed70 m/min max
  • Lengths1200 mm 1500 mm
  • Rotation 90° 180°
  • End rollers30mm diam.
  • Execution Painted steel Stainless steel
Suited for
  • tissue
    Boxes, Cartons/trays, Bundles,
  • piatti pronti
    Fresh food / Ready meals
    Boxes, Small/large trays, Cartons/trays,
  • cura, persona, casa, chimico
    Personal care / Home, Chemicals
    Bundles, Boxes, Cartons/Trays,
  • logistica
    Bags, Cartons,
  • tabacco
    Boxes, Cartons,
  • farmaceutico
    Boxes, Cartons,
  • pane
    Boxes, Small/large trays, Cartons/trays,
  • dolciario
    Boxes, Unpackaged product (bars/snacks, soft/hard candies, pralines/chocolates, powder, ), Bags, Small/large trays, Cartons,
  • beverage
    Bundles, Cartons/trays, Cases,
  • ortofrutta
    Fruit & Vegetables / Tinned foods
    Cartons/trays, Small/large trays, Bundles,
  • lattiero
    Cartons/trays, Small/large trays, Bundles,


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